Cover |
Cutting the apron strings |
Oops, I'm NOT in the Navy now |
Learning to talk again |
Learning the rules real fast |
You, paper clip boy, straighten it! |
Like the new do? |
Learning to eat again (Table Commandant reported by
Billy Swick to be John H. Norris, '63, CS-5 Commander;
TB knows that has to be old MacDill
AFB friend Bart Raspotnik [CS-5] at second from right;
Billy also ID'd Gerry D. Huff [CS-5] to Bart's right and closest to
Norris and W. H. Cathey [CS-6] to Bart's left)
Shower formation |
Taking the oath (Bill Peavy thinks that is "F" Squadron
in the foreground—believes he sees
Don "Fuzzy" Rogers [CS-18,17] and Wayne Arnold [CS-16] as the two doolies
just behind the upperclassmen; TB agrees with the Wayne ID but doesn't
think the other is Fuzzy)